Welcome to our Annual
Quilters Holiday Luncheon
We are setting the table for lunch
and displaying previous challenge quilts
from past years...

Hanging on the walls are Challenge Quilts
from 2006 to 2010

This is our 6th year creating Challenge Quilts!

It's FUN to get them out and look at them again.

Frieda made these TREE Napkins for the table...

This starts out as a circle....
and folds into a Tree
Drum Roll Please...
Let's REVEAL the
2011 Challenge Quilts:

Betty Kessi
2011 Challenge Quilt

Kathi Borrego
2011 Challenge Quilt

Barbara McDaniel
2011 Challenge Quilt

LuAnn Kessi
Nature Walk
2011 Challenge Quilt
CLICK HERE to watch LuAnn create Nature Walk
Viewer's Choice:

Betty Won the prize package...
Bobbin Winder
Fat Quarter Bundle
Carol Taylor DVD
Patchwork Book
Quilting Magazines

Thank You
Challenge Quilt Participants
Our Challenge for 2012 is.....UFO's
Un-Finished Objects
Each member chose a quilt....in progress
that she plans to finish in 2012:

Betty plans to complete her Star Quilt Top

Betty also plans to create a quilt from these
Bear Paw Blocks

Barbara's UFO for 2012
Asian Themed Quilt
She plans to do some creative Machine Quilting!

LuAnn's UFO for 2012
Wedding Star Quilt
Paper Pieced Pattern by Judy Neimeyer

Frieda plans to complete this
Wedding Ring Quilt in 2012
Kathi plans to complete a Rust Dyed Quilt
she has in progress...
Sorry, I didn't get any photos.
We had a lovely day full of inspiration and also that wonderful
feeling of.....completion!
Aaaah, how good it feels to finish a quilt project.
Follow along as we get those 2012
UFO Quilts completed in the coming New Year...
The Harlan Valley Quilters would like to give a warm THANK YOU
to the Chapel of the Valley here in Harlan.
We have met here every Monday for the last 8 years.
The church has donated their fellowship hall and all of their facilities to us so that we can create Comfort Quilts for the Harlan Community.
We appreciate the time we have spent here, the classes we have had, sharing quilting information and bonding with fellow members.
In January please join us at our new location:
The Harlan Community Hall
The hall has recently been remodeled and is our new home.
Join us Monday, January 2, 2012
to create Comfort Quilts
Everyone is Welcome!
Our Comfort Quilts and Raffle Quilts are created with donated Fabrics, Battings and Threads.
If you would like to donate cotton fabrics or other materials to this worthy cause, please contact LuAnn Kessi
Everything is Better when it is Quilted,
The Harlan Valley Quilters