The First Monday of each month finds us creating
Comfort Quilts
for the Community of Harlan
Click Images to Enlarge:
Kathi.....Quilting a Circle Quilt
She is Quilting this Sampler Style
Each square is quilted with a different motif
Bubble Quilting
Just a few more squares.....and it will be done!
Claudette.....Binding a Wallpaper Quilt
Frieda......Quilting Trip around the World
Getting Ready to Tie a Wallpaper Quilt
Next week is a Quilters Holiday Luncheon
Challenge Quilts will be Revealed after lunch
Our Comfort Quilts and Raffle Quilts are created with donated Fabrics, Battings and Threads.
If you would like to donate cotton fabrics or other materials to this worthy cause, please contact LuAnn Kessi
Everything is Better When it is Quilted,
The Harlan Valley Quilters